Tuesday 15 March 2011

Oh Miss Kate....I relate!

Sourced from:teachersspace

In response to Miss Kate's memoirs on the digital divide and meaningful learning,  I relate with her thoughts and feelings regarding the use of previously unknown technology... grabbing it by the preverbial and diving in the deep end with it! Kate's intention not to employ technology as a substitute teacher in class is also my intention as a prospective teacher.  Using it to help students thrive in an environment equiped to develop their skills and creativity is the aim of the game . All this whilst on a personal journey to conquer and close the gap created in our (as teachers) technological education!
Another point that rings true for me is employing help from the 'experts' of the classroom (this being our students of course!). Not only will this assist in teacher learning and understanding, but also cements the childs ability to explain and teach something they are experienced with to a grown up! Hence, further developing and enhancing their self-esteem and intrinsic motivation....

Well said Miss Kate...I congratulate!

 Wish us luck!

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