Sunday 27 March 2011

Life is sweeter when you're a Tweeter...

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Last week I was introduced to the social media forum that is Twitter. Like Gemma, I too have to succumbed to societal pressure and become a Tweeter. Reasons for this delay in conformity lie with privacy issues, time constraints, and being a loyal somewhat addicted member of other social networks such as Facebook.

The importance the Y generation place on the voyeuristic view regarding the happenings in their life is something that has swept over my generation X head. Maybe it’s because my updates appear mundane? The highlights of my life at the moment (atm) seem to be work, study, housework and going to the gym! Now, who wants to read about that? And do I really want anyone to recognise the humdrum that is my life???

Despite these uncertainties, in my week of tweeting, I have to admit I have become a fan. Purely for the reason I can now follow my favourite personalities and tweet straight at them, in the hope that they will acknowledge my presence and retweet or reply. Those of you that know me well know exactly who I am talking about too!!

I have used twitter on both an academic and personal level. I have tweeted ‘advertisements’ for my latest blog posts, read profiles and blogs of experienced teachers and found many  forums exploding with ideas, resources and information regarding not only the implementation of technology in the classroom, but teaching in general.

Keeping up-to-date with friends and families is made easier through Twitter. Gone are the days of long phone calls relaying the ins and outs of one’s lives. The 140 character updates keep it short, sweet and simple. Children of today must be familiar with these developments in technology. The ability to instruct students in such a matter further develops their fluency and comprehension in the rapid development of what is their educational environment.

So, follow me on Twitter.......I dare ya!

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