Saturday 23 April 2011

Smartboard or class bored?

Whilst trailing through tweets; the tweeted and the tweeting, I stumbled across this great resource for teachers detailing the complete guide to technology in the classroom. Goldmine!!!!

 Tom Barrett, a teacher I have been following on Twitter (and recently subscribed to his blog), frequently tweets an abundance of useful information, helpful tips and generally awesome ideas regarding the use of technology in the classroom.    
Today, however I will give you the lowdown on the Interactive White Board (IWB) alias: Smartboard. I am yet to experience the IWB in the classroom, and am somewhat terrified of coming into contact with it. Just quietly, this terror is infused with excitement; excitement at the chance to experiment with such technology, also excited that no longer will I experience the cringing shiver running down my spine as nails are scraped slowly down the blackboard...Oooohhh even thought makes me shiver!
Anyhow, if used efficiently, the IWB can be an enormous time saver in regards to lesson preparation. You can even record a lesson for days when you are absent ( #30 Record it), so not to lose any precious time and cease confusion with the relief teacher. Some other favourites suggested by Tom were #11 Hide the answer, #24 Don’t erase, #34 Befuddle it and #36 Rub & reveal. These tricks and tips I hope to put into practice when I meet face-to-face with the ominous IWB. Have a look and see for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can use an iWB on your prac too. This is a useful resource:
