Friday 6 May 2011

Can all be active in the Interactive?

Well, today I had my very first experience with the IWB and what can I say?

Image source
Well I can tell you I am certainly in two minds about the success of this in the classroom.

As fabulous this development in educational software is, I am sceptical of its benefits in the perspective of group lessons. While this revolutionary technology has plentiful advantages (especially in regards to ease of teaching and developing lessons as a teacher), the lack of collaborative learning in the running of Smartboard directed lessons, I believe is somewhat questionable.

My experience of instructing a lesson on the topic of ‘Money’ to my Year 1 class via the Smartboard was less than optimum and highly unsatisfactory in my opinion. Besides slight initial IT complications, I found that the engagement level within the class was minimal. The particular student involved in the activity appeared engaged, while the remainder of the class chatted amongst themselves as their interest levels were low due to the lack of interaction on their part.

I wonder if future developments in this innovative software can adhere to the current problem occurring within class cohesion and attention? And I wonder if my initial opinion will remain over the duration of this practicum?

This video discusses the collaborative benefits of such developments. I wonder when these will be implemented into Australian classrooms?

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