Saturday 2 April 2011

And the Oscar goes to .........

This week’s blog will introduce you to the world of digital video as a tool in the classroom. Upon reading Hoffenburg & Handler’s article on Digital video goes to school, I have become familiar with the power of digital video - as a motivational tool for students; energising teaching and linking the classroom to the wider community.
Last week, the expectation in class was for us to create a digital video of our own to display to our peers. First thought...OMG! How on Earth am I going to do that? Being a novice to this whole technology spectrum, freaking out in regards to expectations and requirements of this subject is a common occurrence. Alas! I am pleased to report that I have cranked out my very first digital video. I must admit, I sound like I am reading a eulogy, but none-the-less I have created a masterpiece (in my eyes anyway). Check it out, have a laugh....or be amazed at my technical prowess J
Hoffenburg & Handler state that “digital storytelling in the classroom promotes a higher level of thinking skills”. In the process of creating a video, students are practising skills such as visual literacy, technical skills, analysing and synthesizing information.
Once again as teachers, we must be on the technological ball (so to speak), consistently remaining up-to-date with the ever-increasing demands of technology and the beneficial factors it has in relation to the curriculum and the primary classroom.

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